If you are missing a significant number of teeth, or have a significant number of teeth that have extensive damage, then dentures or partial dentures are likely the solution for you. Tooth loss can happen from gum disease, tooth decay or even injury. While prevention can help ward off all of these potential issues, sometimes tooth loss can be unavoidable. Dentures will help to replace your missing teeth and restore your smile, giving you back the freedom to enjoy life.
Dentures are a removable prosthetic that can be taken out of the mouth when necessary.
Dentures will fit on any remaining teeth, and sit upon the gum and underlying bones of the jaw. If there are no remaining teeth, our dentists may recommend getting some dental implants. Dental implants will help to secure the dentures in place which will lead to a more comfortable fit and minimal to no sliding during use.
You will want to remove your dentures overnight for a couple of reasons. Firstly, you will want to give your gums and jaw some rest after the dentures have been sitting on them all day. This gives the gums and tissues a chance to rest and recover after daily wear of dentures. Your saliva is also full of beneficial antibacterial agents that is helpful to expose your gums and tissues to overnight. It is recommended that you take your dentures out for around 6 hours each day. The easiest way to do this is when you sleep at night so that your daily life is not affected.
Removing your dentures overnight will also allow you to properly clean and care for your dentures. Proper care of your dentures will not only allow them to last longer, but also gives you the chance to clean them of any bacteria or build up that might accumulate throughout the day. This will lead to overall healthier gums, mouth and you in general!
Do you have any questions regarding the need for dentures or their care? Give our office a call and our experts will be happy to help!